Sunday, September 14, 2008

loss for words

I am at a loss for words, more than normal. I woke up at about 1:00 in the morning on Friday, and noticed the hall light was on. I did not remember leaving it on, but I got up to turn it off, then I noticed the front door was unlocked. I also noticed the kitchen light was on. I was getting a bit freaked out, and then I noticed my laptop was missing along with the rent money my roommate just paid me...
Someone had pried open my living room window, traipsed around my apartment, until they saw me sleeping. I am sure the sound of them leaving is what woke me up.
But the good news is they did not take my camera, which was sitting right by the front door...
The thing that really sucks is all my photos that I had not backed up yet from my laptop are gone...

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