Saturday, March 21, 2009

What goes wrong on photoshoots

I was reading here about troubles on location shoots...
I have one better...

I used to do a bit of fashion photography and I had one client who produced a catalogue every year. On one shoot we were in a tropical garden (Crystal Gardens. Doesn't exist any more. I think it got turned into a casino....). Anyway, there were a half dozen or so female models, the client, me and my assistant. As I was composing a shot, I backed into a light stand and tore the seat out of my jeans. I had backup cameras, backup lights, but no backup pants. And for those of you that don't know the meaning of commando, lets just say it was not a dignified position. But the show must go on. We finished the shoot, and after the catalogue was produced I am sure a lot of people wondered why all the models has such laughter in their eyes...

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