Sunday, October 10, 2010

My Daughter, the protoge

I took my kids to Goldstream today, in part because my daughter needed a "colourful picture" for school.
Since she forgot her camera I let her use my DSLR. She apparently has been watching, because she knew how to hold it properly. She also learned about shutter speed and its relationship to motion, and at the same time, how shutter speed effects aperture to get a correct exposure.
Of course she then started asking about all the buttons on the camera.
On a serious note, it is a real fine line encouraging your children. For the longest time neither of my kids wanted much to do with photography, on either side of the camera. I have managed to convince them (rarely) to pose for pictures, but until today, I have not really seen any interest in taking "art" pictures, even though they both have strong creative streaks.
I guess I am just in Thanksgiving / Proud Pappa mode...

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