Monday, April 2, 2007

Happy Birthday to Me

Today is my birthday. WooHoo...
Actually, once you turn 21 (which happened to me a little while ago - cough - ) birthdays dont matter as much. But I am sure I will still have a whale of a time. (sorry, I thought it was a cool site, so I had to figure a way to link to it...)

You may not know that I have been playing with linux for a while, specifically Ubuntu for my desktop, and SME for my server. While I really like a lot of things about the way linux works, such as multiple desktops, NO VIRUSES, etc. I have not been able to find a way to edit photos. I just can't seem to get my head around the Gimp, and every other program I tried seems worse, or at least limiting.

While reading some photo websites, I came across Lightzone. This program really seems to have promise. and to make things even better, there is a free linux version. But the windows/mac version is very reasonable too.

I have just started working with this program, but I will give my thoughts as soon as I have any...

Ok, enough with the bad jokes already, yesterday was April Fools day...

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