Today at work was the senior managers last day. I didn't really work with Maggie too much, but she really helped me at a time when I needed some direction. I am not sure if she realizes how much I appreciate her opening the door for me.
All this got me wondering how much I have influenced those around me. When I help out a customer, even the small jobs, I hope I have made someones life better, or easier in some small way.
What does this have to do with photography?
We each see the world through our own eyes. Often the small details, or even the larger picture is not noticed or appreciated by the mass population (whatever that is). Often we wear blinders, so we can focus on a task, or so we don't get overwhelmed, or even because we don't understand. We don't always see what is around us.
In my photography I try to take these blinders off. To show others what I have noticed, what I have seen, and what has struck me as noteworthy.
Some photographers show us the grand landscape, others show us where we, as human beings, need to improve. But photographers, and artists in general, wish, at maybe a subconscious level, to influence others. to have people remember who we are, and what we have to say.
All in all a very humbling day.

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